Harmony Family Dental recognizes that dental emergencies can happen when we least expect it. Our experienced team is well-versed in handling a variety of emergency dental concerns as quickly as possible. As a general guideline, if you are uncertain whether a situation qualifies as a dental emergency, remember this: if it causes pain, it is an emergency! Even seemingly minor injuries can impact the living tissue inside your teeth, leading to potential complications if left untreated. If you suspect a dental emergency, Harmony Family Dental is ready to help you smile again!
Do You Have a Toothache? We Can Help You and Your Tooth Feel Better!
Harmony Family Dental is committed to addressing your dental emergency as quickly as possible. We maintain open appointment slots specifically for emergency situations, ensuring you can see a dentist quickly, even if you are not a regular patient. We understand the significant pain and stress associated with dental emergencies, and our priority is to make your visit as comfortable as possible. If you suspect you need emergency dental treatment, please call us immediately at (403) 879-7897 and we will ensure that you are booked in at the earliest opportunity.
If you are experiencing any of the following dental emergency symptoms, it is crucial to seek dental attention as soon as possible:
In a dental emergency, Harmony Family Dental is ready to provide you with the care you need. If you believe you require emergency dental treatment or have any questions about a dental concern, please contact the dedicated Harmony Family Dental team immediately at (403) 879-7897. We are here to assist you!
Call Harmony Family Dental Care at (403) 879-7897 to set up an Emergency Dentistry Appointment today!